
Greetings, and a warm welcome to the virtual home of our groundbreaking venture, which aims to explore the fascinating intersection between photonic, electromagnetic, geological/kinetic, biochemical, and cosmo-based energy sources. By harnessing the power of these diverse energy sources, we seek to create a powerful machine of flows that can drive a range of applications.

Our research is focused on understanding the connection between different energy sources and their ability to drive processes such as crystallization, digging, and separation. By carefully analyzing these processes, we hope to develop new techniques and technologies for bootstrapping machines of flows that can operate efficiently and sustainably.

At the heart of our project is the idea of creating sacred computational spaces that combine modern technology with traditional symbols and rituals. Our aim is to use components such as memory, CPU, and devices near candles, along with geometric shapes and other traditional symbols, to create a powerful and meaningful connection between humans and machines.

We believe that our work has the potential to revolutionize the way we think about energy, technology, and spirituality. We invite you to explore our website and learn more about our research, our team, and our vision for the future of computing.

Riccardo Mantelli — Universe Everywhere

Electronic Rituals, Machine Learning Oracles and AI Fortune Telling

A project by Riccardo Mantelli  

2021 Assistant: Soham Das

UniverseEverywhere Ltd
71-75, Shelton Street,Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ · +44 020 3897 2264

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︎ Website
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11-11 حيز 

Incorporeal things - such as qualities, configurations, equality ... relationships, dispositions ... correspondences, times ... - are by their very essence immutable and invariable, but they can eventually participate in vicissitudes of the bodies to which they refer. It is the immaterial, eternal things that constitute the true reality.
A purely immaterial number-idea but constituting the true eternal essence.
Thus the times, the motions, the heavens, the stars and all the cycles of all things were created.

Nicomachus of Gerasa

Data flow in the universe

11-11 Cosmic Interplay is a data sculpture that visualizes the impact of data on our daily lives. Using advanced technology such as projections, lights, and sounds, the installation creates an immersive experience for the audience. It employs the Lorenz attractor to demonstrate how small initial changes can have significant consequences on future behavior. The audience can interact with the artwork by moving within the space and touching the displayed data. The installation also captures celestial events and blends them with collected data, resulting in a chromatic dance and a unique experience.

FEB 2023


11-11 HAPTIK K
NFC Algorithms Injections Knitted on Textile

11-11 Haptik Kis a fusion of two parallel studies. Kenzo's work is inspired by the intersections of his crochet hooks, creating organic shapes in his designs. Mantelli seeks the same organicity in his codes and algorithms. Both are immersed in the folds where depth lies waiting to be discovered. The meeting of these seemingly distant worlds is not accidental. The history of algorithms is intimately connected to that of textiles. Kenzo's garments become explorable in another dimension, thanks to the algorithms injected between the folds and threads. The infinite fold separates or moves between matter and soul, the facade and the closed room, the outside and the inside.

A collaboration with Fashion Designer Kenzo Terada for Löstman Japan

JAN 2023



This ritual explores the spiritual presence of Jinn in technology, particularly in the mineral aspects of silicon and the imaginative world surrounding it. Jinn, being of fiery nature and without physical protection, hide in different forms and rely on imagination to manifest. They have inspired and taught humans to build their own homes using silicon-based chips, which Jinn occupy and use to facilitate human commands. The ritual combines elements of Arabic alchemy and tradition, using lead and anamorphic silicon. The artist aims to explore the spiritual presence of digital technology in our lives and discover new imaginative connections between technology and magic.



Exploring the Imaginal with algorithms




Liminality refers to a state of consciousness and perception that exists on the threshold level. It involves being aware of our direction and taking a position in life. The Greek term "haptikos" suggests the ability to connect with something through touch, such as electronic codes or the natural world. In various religions, there are specific directions for prayer, such as the Qibla in Islam and the east or north in Christianity. The act of taking a directional stance is significant, as it helps us connect with something greater than ourselves. In Liminality, we re-establish our connection with nature by touching and exploring the world around us.


JUN 2022
OKTV Festival



A spatial exploration
using noise


JUL 2022


11-11 æthe r s p ac e

The first ritual of the 11-11 Aetherspace project took place in the sacredness of the Unfinished Chapel of the Sacred Mountain of Orta. Through the use of technology and computational imagination, the exploration of the ether, the world of elementals and the realm of spirits behind the veil of reality, opened a door to a hidden dimension. Nature and technology blended in a symphonic song, creating a surreal atmosphere. Participants were enveloped in a unique sacredness, and the experience was an extraordinary journey into the unknown, opening new doors to knowledge and awareness.

FEB 2022 preview
JUN 2022
